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The Dublin 12 Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force was established in 1997 to
facilitate a more effective response to the drug problem in the Dublin 12 area.
In line with the Government’s drugs policy ( National report for 2021 –
drug policy
. - Drugs and Alcohol)

The aim of Task Forces is to provide an integrated response
to the problems posed by drugs misuse. 


To strengthen and support a community-based focus to drug and alcohol misuse,
mobilising an integrated cross-sectoral response at local level.


 To oversee and monitor the effectiveness of projects approved under action
plans and make decisions on continued priorities having regard to current needs
and available funding.

Providing for the implementation of a local/regional strategy in the context of the
National Drugs Strategy 2021-2025 through: Reducing
Harm, Supporting Recovery 2017-2025 (
- Minister Feighan publishes Mid-term Review of National Drugs Strategy and
Strategic Priorities for 2021-2025 (

  •  Identifying emerging strategic issues and developing proposals on policies or actions needed to address them

  •  Preparing updated action plans having regard to evidence available on the extent and specific location of illicit drug use in the area/region

  • Seeking to influence the work of all relevant Statutory, Community and Voluntary service providers to improve services

  •  Identifying any barriers to the efficient delivery of services to clients in the Drugs Task Force area

  •  Developing Cross Task Force initiatives and networking arrangements for the exchange of information and experience with other Drugs Task Forces as well as for the dissemination of best practice

  • Co-ordinating their activities with other relevant initiatives/programmes in the region, particularly those involved in responding to social disadvantage



Our Mission

Dublin 12 LDATF is committed to sustaining high quality responses and appropriate services for
all who are affected by drug misuse in our area

 Our Vision
That the Dublin 12 community has the capacity to respond to substance misuse in a safe and
healthy manner

Supporting Recovery
Providing for the implementation of Irelands ‘Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery 2017 –
2025’.  A Health Led Response to Drug and Alcohol Use in Ireland. 
Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery 2017-2025 (





  • Treatment: To ensure that adequate, appropriate treatment is in place in Dublin

  • 12 to respond to the diverse treatment requirements of clients

  • Rehabilitation: To ensure adequate rehabilitation options are available for clients and that services work collaboratively with clients to support their progression

  • Education /Prevention: To continue to place a strong emphasis on education/prevention initiatives targeting at risk children and young people

  •  Supply Control: To ensure that drug supply and the impact of drug dealing is reduced in Dublin 12.

  • Research: To increase the availability and dissemination of local data on the issues affecting drug users, the existing services and trends that affect drug use.

  •  Family Support: To increase the level of supports available to families who are experiencing difficulties around drugs and alcohol.

  •  Alcohol: To expand the work of the Dublin 12 LDTF to respond to alcohol misuse

  • Dublin 12 LDATF Structure: To strengthen and develop the capacity of the Task Force to coordinate integrated responses to drug issues in Dublin 12

  • Resources: To ensure that services have adequate resources to remain operational

  • Cross Task Force: To continue to develop cross Task Force initiatives to respond to common concerns

  •  Following an identified need in 2014, the Dublin 12 LDATF created a post for Rehabilitation Practice Mentor. The role of the worker is to support services working with drug users and their families to improve progression pathways and reduce barriers for their clients. The worker also supports services to implement the National Rehabilitation Strategy recommendations locally.

  • Dublin 12 LDATF is one of lead agencies involved in the Dublin 12 Mental Health Forum who are currently carrying out a needs analysis of mental health needs in Dublin 12. From the Forum, a Dual Recovery Programme now operates one night per week in ARC for those with mental health and addiction issues and is facilitated by a Mental Health Social Worker.

  • The Task Force produced a comprehensive Directory of services to support referral and progression of service users in Dublin 12

  • Increasing awareness on the impact and effect of drugs in community of Dublin 12. Co-ordinated Annual drug awareness campaigns involving a range of organisations in the area have been very beneficial in this regard

  • We have also operated a comprehensive Drug Education Programme through the Drug Education Worker who provides support to schools, Youth services and the wider community around Drug Education.

  • In 2015 the Task Force facilitated the training of 6 trainers to roll out STORM Suicide Prevention and Self Harm Mitigation Training to all front line workers in the area

  • Strengthening service user involvement in the delivery of services and supporting the development of Dublin 12 Service User Forum

  • We have a strong Task Force board with a good range of Community Statutory and Voluntary participation including political representatives. It also has strong subgroups who meet regularly to progress the work of the Task Force.

  • The Dublin 12 Community Safety Partnership was established which led to formation of D12 Local Policing Forum

  • Local data collection processes have improved as well as accessibility of that data. Task Force reviews and collates all relevant available data which helps illustrate the nature and extent of drug use in the area and any emerging needs. This is included in the D12LDATF Annual Report that is submitted to the Drugs Programmes Unit of the Department of Health and is also available to services locally. 



  • Treatment & Rehabilitation

  •  Prevention and Harm Reduction

  • Finance & Governance Alcohol Strategy Steering Committee

  •  Supporting the D12 Community

  •  Advisory Group

  • D12 Local Policing Forum










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